On 7 December it was time for Maropeng to reflect on seven years of welcoming visitors from around the world to the Cradle of Humankind. Prominent scientists joined the Maropeng staff for a celebratory lunch.

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Here's to seven more years at Maropeng!

Maropeng managing director Tony Rubin addresses the guests

Tony Rubin cuts the cake alongside Kananelo Tlebere from the Gauteng Department of Economic Development

Lunch was held at the Tumulus Restaurant

On the left: Professor Bruce Rubidge, Doctor Bernard Zipfel and Doctor Christine Steininger. On the right: Kananelo Tlebere, Professor Francis Thackeray and Maggs Pillay of the Cradle of Humankind Management Authority

Patrick Mutavhatsindi (food and beverage manager) with Grey Banda (food and beverage duty manager)